Strategic Portfolio Management

Strategic portfolio management begins with a clear and visible strategy. It’s the process of creating a strategy for the business and building the supporting projects, products, roadmaps, and plans to execute that strategy. Strategic portfolio management doesn’t just focus on decisions about your strategy, but how to turn that strategy into an executable plan and get the work done.

Tempus Portfolio approaches strategic portfolio management by answering the most important question – do we have enough people with the right roles and skills to do the work required? Resource availability is often considered last when planning the portfolio of work. At ProSymmetry, we believe that without understanding the people you have, their skills, and their capacity, your portfolio is already at major risk.

Tempus Portfolio helps companies achieve their business goals and execute their strategic portfolio.


  • Size your work with roles, financials, and allocation months before the plan will start. 
  • Size projects based on historical data with both planned and actual data in Tempus Portfolio. Actuals provides a side by side comparison of how accurate the plan was and what changes need to be made for the future.
  • Size projects by creating your resource forecast to determine which roles are needed, when, and for how much effort.


  • Begin to understand your capacity requirements based on your sizing activities. How many more FTE do you need to complete the plan? How will you get those FTEs?
  • Prioritize work based on business goals, funding, and resource availability. Model out every scenario possible and confidently deliver data-driven options to leadership in planning meetings. 
  • As the plan moves closer to delivery, Project Managers and Resource Managers work together to understand who will take on the work, not just the roles needed. This is seamless with Tempus Portfolio. Plans move to reality with collaborative resource and project workflows.


  • When it’s time for the plan to start, organizations are confident that there are no resource risks to the timeline. Resource utilization is monitored before work starts and is monitored over time.
  • Keep projects on track with timeline, milestone, and deliverable dates and financials – both labor (planned and actual) costs and project budget.
  • With clarity in the plan at the earliest stages, assignments and plans can easily adapt to changes, even showing the impact of changes (both in resources’ availability and financials) before it is confirmed.

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