Organize your portfolio using dynamic and interactive Kanban views. Construct Kanban boards using any of your custom attributes with Tempus resource management.
Kanban boards are intuitive and provide better visibility into project states. Use varied swimlane and cross section grouping to better visualize the distribution of projects across your enterprise.
Choose who can view and interact with your Kanban board. Share with individuals or groups of users. Improve team communications and collaboration with a common view into work in process.
Gain insight into your portfolio velocity and set WIP min and max limits. Trigger conditional formatting when WIP limits are breached.
Move projects across cross-sections and across swimlanes. Simplify end-user interaction with drag-and-drop interaction.
Add color coding to cards based on custom attribute values. Introduce work-in-process (WIP) minimums and maximums to trigger conditional formatting.
Implement lean techniques such as pull methodologies to only advance projects once slots become available. Tempus portfolio management with Kanban enables a range of powerful Kanban-based methodologies and techniques.
Strategy Execution
Portfolio Kanban
Program & Project Management
Project Financial Management
Business Intelligence Project Management Reporting
Project Management Spreadsheets
Resource Management
Resource Forecasting Tools and Techniques
Resource Management Request Workflows
Skills & Competency Management
Scenario Planning