Tempus Workflows Are Designed to Shepherd Your Projects Through Your Intake Process
Customized Workflow
Projects come in all sizes and shapes – why shouldn’t your project intake workflow?
Customized forms for each function
Start your Tempus workflow where and when you are ready. Use a simple project request or a business case format to initiate a request, all without requiring the requestor to have a Tempus license.
Easy to understand Forms
The days of using process to constrain demand are over. An automated workflow process needs to be as nimble as your business. Eliminate misunderstandings through Tempus’ use of natural language labels on user viewable screens.
Dynamic Routing
Let Tempus Project Intake workflow (with conditionality) save time and improve decision making through easily customizable next step routing.
Specify security parameters around which users can view or edit what form in the workflow.
Easy to maintain Governance
Ensure that project intake workflow is designed to get the right people involved in making decisions about what projects should be approved now.
Agile process flow
Tempus project intake workflow offers a true state machine. Allowing you to skip steps either forward or backward.
Build an Innovation Culture
Build a new culture of creativity and innovation by using Tempus to support enterprise-wide innovation with Tempus Resources open initiation feature (no user license required to submit an initial request).